Dark Canyon South | Utah Back Country Pilots Association

Dark Canyon South

Write an Airstrip Report

Airstrip Info

Frequency Unknown
Elevation Unknown
Lat/Long 37.8242, -110.0901
37° 49.452' , -110° 5.406'

Ownership BLM


See more at the National Weather Center

Information updated April 25, 2024 @ 5:30pm

Work to restore the runway at Dark Canyon will hopefully begin soon. In the meantime, the airstrip is in a rough condition. Please exercise extreme caution.

Roger Rollins visited 4 years ago in a Maule M5-180C with 8.50 tires

Landed 10/5/19. Moderate crosswind. Runway is fairly rough with clump grass and some rocks. Land uphill on 8; depart 26. Marginal, but landable. If loaded, continue on to the east past some mild humps to get more takeoff room. It’s not smooth, and it’s remote.

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Dark Canyon South's airstrip has been identified on USGS maps since 1980. You can view this historic map below or download it by clicking here.