Preserving and Protecting Utah's Back Country Airstrips | Utah Back Country Pilots Association

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Utah's Airstrips

Recent Airstrip Reports
Karen Larson visited Gruver's Mesa
2 days ago
Karen Larson visited Rustler Canyon
2 days ago
Ben Gleckler visited Delle
3 days ago
Ben Gleckler visited Bonneville Salt Falts
3 days ago

Latest News & Upcoming Events

Our Values

Safety Through Experience

Through the sharing experiences, the UBCP has built upon a foundation of safe operating practices in some of the most challenging aspects of back country aviation.

Preservation of Airstrips

Because of the great initiative exercised by the UBCP Board Members of the past, airstrips such as Mexican Mountain, once sought to be closed, are open to the public today.

Responsible Use Practices

The UBCP and its members endorse and exercise responsible use practices such as "Pack it in / Pack it out" and "Tread Lightly" as well as some of our own in-house programs.

Building Community

From hosting regular meetings, to back country fly-ins, and our random meet-ups on Fremont Island, the UBCP aims to build a community of back country aviation enthusiasts.

Support the UBCP

Without the great efforts of our members, many of Utah's pristine wilderness airstrips would cease to exist today.

Together, we can continue the legacy of preserving and protecting Utah's Back Country Airstrips.

We invite anyone and everyone to join us.