Dark Canyon North | Utah Back Country Pilots Association

Dark Canyon North

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Airstrip Info

Frequency 122.90
Elevation 6675 ft
Lat/Long 37.8959, -110.089
37° 53.751' , -110° 5.339'
Runway 10/28 2400 ft
Overgrown Dirt
Ownership BLM NM


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We haven't written a description for this airstrip yet. If you would like to provide us with some information about this strip, please contact us today!

Regan Richmond visited 3 years ago in a C-185 with 8.0 tires

Land-able but rough. Brushy, bumpy, and lots of surface variation.

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Gary Hilley visited 3 years ago in a Super Cub with 31 tires

Nice spot, up out of the desert.

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Dark Canyon North's airstrip has been identified on USGS maps since 1980. You can view this historic map below or download it by clicking here.