Airstrip Database Updates | Utah Back Country Pilots Association

Airstrip Database Updates

The UBCP Board has been working on updating our airstrip database. As we look to make sure our database is complete for the state, if you find any airstrips across the state that are not on our list, please use the contact form below to suggest we add it to our database.

Project Updates

Posted by Roy Evans II on March 4th, 2024

Just added UT79 - Split Mountain Air to our databse!

Posted by Roy Evans II on February 19th, 2024

The UBCP is updating how we categorize airstrips. While most of the changes will be transparent to most users, airstrips will now be classified based on amenities and restrictions. For instance, airstrips that offer wilderness experiences (inside and outside wilderness areas) will be categorized as such, akin to how airstrips are identified in other states. Stay tuned for more information.

Posted by Roy Evans II on December 23rd, 2023

We're adding more airstrips! Thanks to members like you, we've been made aware of airstrips that may have been lost in our original database migration. So, we're adding those. Plus, we'll be adding links to nearby weather stations, adding in some more detailed ownership info (for administrative purposes), and more!

Posted by Roy Evans II on July 19th, 2022

Since many of our pilots venture outside the state of Utah, we're discussing the option to add other states' airstrips to our database, and are looking for thoughts on the matter.

Posted by Roy Evans II on November 1st, 2021

In the quest to keep our database fresh, we're looking to standardize the methods we use to "verify" an airstrip. Anyone interested in helping in this project please contact the UBCP.

Posted by Roy Evans II on January 24th, 2021

You'll see a few new colors on the airstrip map. In the hopes of informing pilots about all the airstrips we are aware of, we've decided to relist the private airstrips across the state with the disclaimer that permission from the land owner is required. You'll also see airstrips that are permanently closed as to inform pilots that they are not to be used.