With the light rains that occurred recently in the southern part of the state, it appeared muddy approximately 48 hours after the rain had stopped. Another 24 hours later and it was fine. Would estimate wet precipitation in light amounts around the area to take at least 3 days to dry out provided the canyon gets as much sunshine as possible with clear skies.
Hardpan is in great shape for this weekend’s fly-in!
@Charles - my understanding is that the connection between the windsock frame and pole broke. Josh/Roy/Steve are working on getting it fixed.
2 years agoAirstrip is in great condition! Eastern end of runway is a little softer than the west end (as usual) and some two inch depressions make it a little more rough than the west end. Brush alongside the runway (pictured below) May encroach upon low wing type airplanes landing here but this vegetation appears to be quite sparse.
Airstrip is in GREAT condition. The ancillary (read: illegal) airstrips seem to have been getting use. Image below helps depict where the approved runway is on the top of the island. It should be very clear to a pilot which runway is the approved one, as it is the one that runs roughly 150º/330º, and is the road that runs the ridge from the weather station to the hill with the parking area on top. The airstrip that runs from the parking area to the northwest is a) not an approved airstrip and b) should not be used. Tracks on this illegal runway appear to be fresh, and used many times, with one deep cut in the west end of the runway where someone obviously turned around. Please do not use any airstrips besides this one and the lower strip as their usage may put future access in jeopardy, and be subject to law enforcement action. If anyone has any questions as to what airstrips are authorized I urge you to contact the UBCP prior to flight.