Chris Robison | Utah Back Country Pilots Association

Chris Robison

UBCP Member

Chris Robison visited Carpenter Ridge
3 months ago in a Zenith 701 with 21” tires

Buckhorn flats sits on top of Carpenter Ridge between Paradox Valley and Roc Creek. Winds can be very squirrely here at times. Runway direction 01/19. Land South and takeoff North, uphill to the South. Airstrip is not very flat, and has three small hills, but overall the surface is fairly smooth. Best touchdown spot is right past North turnaround. Nice fire ring and flat area in an island of trees 100ft NW of the North turnaround. There are also water troughs in the vicinity so cattle may be present certain times of the year. Beautiful location!

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Craig Gustafson

thanks for scouting that out and cleaning it up Chris!

3 months ago
Chris Robison visited Bull Canyon
4 months ago in a Zenith 701 with 21” tires

This airstrip sits on a bench below Monogram mesa and above the Dolores River, right outside the wilderness study area in Bull Canyon. Runway direction SW/NE If landing to the SW, beware of where a two track road crosses the runway about 100ft from the NE turnaround. It doesn’t look like much from above but is big enough to launch you back in the air if you touchdown before the two track. Might be wise to land right past the two track road if landing SW. Landing to the NE is no issue. Windsock coming soon.

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Chris Robison visited Angel Point
7 months ago in a Zenith 701 with 21” tires

Both runways in excellent condition and dry. Looks like it’s been recently graded.

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