Nathan Kurth
1 year ago in a Super Stinson 108-3 with 31" tires
runway is in good condition and as to be expected at this location-typical of mountainous environment airstrips. a few small to medium embedded rocks (not loose) on rwy surface with buffalo/clump grass- may make it a bit bumpy for smaller tires but still doable. Dirt surface is in great condition. Exercised a bit of caution in the parking area with a few scattered rocks but nothing major.
Windsock was a bit hard to decipher form the air: looked like alot of orange (paint?) on the ground around it making it hard to see direction from the air. The first 300-350' for Rwy 33 has growth un the runway. opted to land past it and inspect on the ground. Most of the surface in the grass area is nice but there is a decent sized hole on the far right side est 200' from threshold that needs to be avoided. Unfortunately left my shovel at camp so couldn't fill it in. Rest of airstrip soft sand and in good condition. Parking area is hard pan, cracked dirt from a previous water event. no issues taxiing on it.