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Beautiful conditions at Fremont. We attempted to locate Kit Carson‘s cross. The grass has been healthy this year so after about a half mile toward the High Point, we could no longer find evidence of a trail. After a couple of hours we decided to come back another day and try again. Does anyone know of a source or a published route educating how to find the cross? I’m not finding anything on the Internet.
Go to the top of the highest peak. Bit of a scramble at times. Cross is on the most prominent rock feature and is no bigger than your hand. That’s all I’ll say!fun to explore and find it! :)
1 week agoWas flying over and decided I needed to check it out. Wind about 15 kts from north. Kind of neat place and may do a solo camp there in the future.
Really only needs major work in one area just north of the dirt road - the rest of the strip is quite usable. Three planes landed at Fry Canyon (2x C185 and one Husky w/ 26" tires). Landed uphill to the north of the dirt road. North half of runway in good shape. Some minor ruts about 200' south of the windsock pole, just east of the centerline of the runway. The 1300' of runway south of the road is actually in good shape as well. Significant ruts (~8" deep) within 200' north of the road. Very obvious on foot, not so much taxiing N to S given the strategic location of several small sagebrush. We were very lucky to not get stuck or worse, as all three of us taxied through some part of these ruts. Anything with smaller tires would've most likely been stuck at best, while anything tricycle with small tires would've potentially been a prop strike. These ruts need attention, but the rest of the strip is in good shape aside from the sagebrush. The deep ruts are easily avoided by landing a few hundred feet past the road (landing north), and while taxiing by staying on the extreme west side of the runway as you approach the road from the north, then transition at the road toward the center of the runway as you continue south toward the camping area at the south end.
CLOSED. Permanent or temporary I don't know. The area immediately to the east of the runway is now being used for what appears to be construction material storage. see photo. The runway is now their road access. There is construction going on at the junction of roads 95 & 276 itself...whether this is what the storage is all about, I don't know.